Algotester Community
Algotester is not just a platform. It's a community of people united with the goal of advancing the competitive programming movement in Ukraine

ICPC World Finals
A community of Algotester coaches has been preparing the best students of Lviv National University for the ICPC events. The teams represented LNU in 2008, 2011, 2015-2018 ICPC World Finals, earning gold medals in 2008 and bronze medals in 2016.
Local onsite events
Through the years, Algotester community has organized lots of onsite competitive programming events for students and professionals from Lviv and Ukraine, including:
School, district, and regional contests for high school students.
Team and individual ICPC contests in LNU, NULP, UCU, and multiple local IT companies.
A free and open algorithmic programming college.
Summer camp to help students prepare for ICPC season.